Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009
Chemical Threat Watch at Home!
Transition and dry season length is the disease coming season. But the disease can also come from the use of chemicals in the house. What else?
Most of us usually make "outsiders" as a suspect when one of the causes of our family members sick. The weather changing from hot to rain, poor air quality, pollution caused by vehicles and factory fumes, or the temperature hotter environment, are the things common to the charge material.
Unconsciously, we have sued the main problem is external parties. In fact, if counted counted, 60-90% of our time during the 24 hours actually spent in the room, both in the home, school, and at work. The children are also so. When the hour of their learning in school is 3-8 hours a day, then at least 16 hours of their time inside the house.
As a result of massive information, ranging from poor air quality, global warming, declining water quality, soil and drinking water, until the new virus attacks the globalized, the more convinced that human health problems lies "outside", not "in". Then, the solution was always looking toward the outside, ignoring the possibility the defendant might have actually been in the house.
Homes, both new (less than 5 years of development) and the decades-old, is in fact the largest source of health problems. Like skin, the home is the third skin of our bodies after our own body's skin and clothes we wear. If the house is not healthy, our lives automatically bandwagon too unhealthy.
Since the process of construction, the house has the potential to become a store of toxins harmful to human body and become fertile ground for potential disease berbiaknya inhabitants. Process of generating dust and micron-sized materials building materials that contain most of the chemicals are only two causes of the most easily detected. Another cause is poor ventilation and inadequate lighting.
Building materials that are chemical itself is inevitable. Traced from the history, the early construction of houses generally are using materials and natural materials are easy to find and close to the location of residential candidate. Once the material demands fast track following the population explosion, substitute materials of natural materials which means it is made from chemical-is inevitable.
Since the completion of World War II in 1945, production of chemical materials for various household purposes increased rapidly, as a result of restoration needs and urban settlements in the world's most damaged areas after the war. With such a large demand and in short, no longer possible nature can deliver.
According to Prescriptions for a Healthy House by Paula Baker-Laporte, Erica Elliot and John Banta, chemical production in the new year 1945 ranges from 10 million tons increasing to more than 110 million tons in 2005. Currently, there are now-the lack of more than 4 million chemical products are made by humans. As many as 70-80 thousand of them very familiar to use by people everyday, which most likely unwittingly interfere with the body's health, particularly respiratory problems, digestion, and allergies.
Source Problems At Home
If one of your family members have serious problems with the respiratory, digestive, or allergies, and has been in a long time but you never find the exact answer, try to detect the problem right now "into", rather than glancing "out" there.
Here are some resources issues arising in the use of chemicals in the home.
• Insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides. Use of killer insects and animals is well known bullies and packaged in an attractive form, will be advertised as "safe". In fact, the name insecticide, animal intruders, and the like, is certain to be fatal and is not safe for human health.
Mixture of products of non-natural wood, including a particle-board, plywood, upholstery and furniture kitchen set, till the doors and windows kusenkusen non-timber, commonly contain formaldehyde, a chemical that is carcinogenic (causes cancer) to the human body .
• Volatile organic compounds (VOC) or organic compounds that easily evaporate. These compounds are used in a lot of paint, metal paint, wood paint, solvents, cleaning solvents and home goods, sealant, and glue / adhesives. Chemical compounds contained in these materials include toluene, benzene, formaldehyde, and acetone. These compounds when inhaled in a certain amount can cause acute respiratory problems, cancer, and damage the nervous system.
• Asphalt and products containing asphalt. This material is often found on the roof covering or coating of bitumen leakage. The garage is located inside the house and the house blend with the room can also be a problem because chemicals from asphalt senyawasenyawa attached to the wheels of motor vehicles transported into the house, then trapped inside the house.
• Cleaning stains / dirt. Process of leaving the house sometimes dirt or stains that can only be cleaned using a chemical solution. Activity household goods do not also trigger the use of these chemical cleaners, just to catch a view of the interior of the house looking eyes look clean, but the effect is caused health problems.
To reduce the risk of residents terpaparnya by chemical compounds. it, the only way is to reduce to a minimum. Another approach that can be taken is to design a building with more attention to air circulation, sunlight exposure
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